Adding and Subtracting Integers Worksheets

Rules When Adding and Subtracting with Negative Numbers The operations of addition and subtraction with negative numbers are pretty similar to that with positive numbers. The addition of numbers is quite an easy task to do, especially if the number of digits is less. However, if we have a big digit number, then even such simple tasks like addition and subtraction can take a lot of time and seem difficult to do. While adding two positive numbers, you only need to count ahead of a number until the other number asks you to do. For example, if you are adding 5 and 6, then starting from 5, you just have to count 6 times, and that will give you the answer of 11. In the case of addition or subtraction with negative numbers, things are a bit different. When we are adding two negative numbers, then for the second number, we multiply the negative sign of the second number by the addition sign in the middle. It will convert the sign in the middle to negative sign, and thus, two negative numbers will be added to each other, and the answer will have a negative sign. Whereas, for the subtraction operation between two numbers, the negative sign in the middle will be multiplied by the negative sign of the second number and answer a positive sign in the middle. Thus, a positive and negative number will eventually be subtracted from each other, and the answer will bear the sign of the greater number.

Having a hard time adding and subtracting positive and negative numbers?

Try this quick tip: add a positive number by moving it right; add a negative number by moving it left; subtract a positive number by moving it left; and subtract a negative number by moving it right. It works every time!