Rounding Numbers To Tens Place Worksheets

How to Round Numbers to the Nearest Tens Place - Math is sometimes such a tough subject to tackle! But there are many questions and many definitions in mathematics that are not just easy, but also real fun to solve. For example, rounding off! The idea of rounding off numbers is really cool! If you don’t know what it is, let's find out! Rounding off numbers is getting a number that is nearest to the number you originally had. With rounding off, the question and the value itself becomes simpler, and it keeps the number close to what the number already was. There are only two rules for rounding off numbers; If the number you need to round is followed by 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, the number will be rounded up. For example, the number you have is 48; the rounded up number will be 50. If the number you need to round is followed by 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, the number will be rounded down. For example, the number you have is 44; the rounded up number will be 40. When working in tens, the rules will be the same. For example, if the number you have is 67, its nearest round off tenth will be 70. And if you have 22, the nearest round off will be 20.

What Is It?

Rounding a number is when you have a number and you add to it or take from it to make it a number that is easier or more convenient to use. A number can be rounded to any place value you like. This is helpful when estimating large sums quickly.